Chapter 2622 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep114
- She made a quick decision to simply ignore his latest utterance, grabbed the bottle and sat back away from his crotch. "Got it!" she exclaimed, holding her prize up for Ron to see. The water having finally washed away most all of the shampoo from her face, Sue opened her eyes for the first time since beginning her task of "finding the shampoo". Looking first to Ron's face and his obviously lustful expression, then down to his noticeably throbbing cock where she could see the steady stream of pre-cum trailing down the shaft, Sue's pussy did likewise, as her wetness was now obviously due more to her body's response to the teenager before her than the cascading shower water.
- Acutely aware of her own nude body, itself buzzing head to toe with desire for his tempting cock, Sue forced herself to stand, providing the distance needed to hold her devilish desires at bay. "Okay then, sorry about all that, but at least I found your mom's shampoo before too much leaked out." Sue said, while stealing glances to Ron's own uncontrollable leak continuing to flow down across his scrotum.
- "Speaking of your mom, how long has she been gone now?" Sue asked, trying to at least temporarily divert their attention from the recent erotic venture to procure the shampoo bottle. "Let me check my watch to see how much longer we have to wait." She continued, while sexily leaning her toned and tiny frame past the edge of the tub to retrieve her watch from the countertop. "Wow, I've only been in here with you a little more than 15 minutes........seems longer, huh?" She knew Ron probably felt he'd been sexually tortured for the past hour or more. As she pulled her body back to join him in the shower, Sue spied the baby oil, razor and shaving cream still perched on the lip of the tub, and immediately began to plot how best to spend the next ten minutes while waiting for Beth to return.